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"Middle-class School Choice in Urban Spaces brilliantly conveys the extent to which public education across the globe has become a site of struggle and contestation." 

Professor Diane Reay, University of Cambridge.

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Research featured in "Rich school, poor school: Australia’s great education divide", ABC News (13th August 2019)

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Lluís Parcerisa and Antoni Verger, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain.

"Middle-class School Choice in Urban Spaces is an essential piece of research to understand how market-driven policy principles are transforming not only education provision and the logics of action of schools, but also the rationalities, political actions and choices ... This book pushes us to think beyond the binary categories of public and private education..." 

Christopher Lubienski, Professor of Education, Indiana University.

"Rowe's ambitious and insightful book masterfully explores and charts the new conceptions of public education as embedded in, or aligned with, the logic of markets. She pulls of an amazing feat of integrating global patterns with on-the-ground evidence, highlighting both the intellectual and social roots of this world-wide movement. The result is a remarkable analysis of the winners (and losers) in a new competitive and contested landscape of 'public' schooling."

Maia Cucchiara, Temple University, USA.

"This theoretically rich ethnography provides an important global perspective to studies of school choice and the marketization of education."

Jessica Gerrard, University of Melbourne, Australia.

"Middle-class school choice in urban spaces offers rich and multifaceted analysis of the inscription of middle classness in public education, and creates the space to think more deeply about the ways in which public schooling is being transformed. The book... opens the space to consider more closely the contested struggles for public education, and the various standpoints and positions from which they emerge, whilst bringing attention to the effects of entrenched inequality within a marketised education system. " 

Joel Windle, Monash University, Australia.

"Rowe presents an incisive and original account of how class and race traverse the dynamic political terrain of contemporary school reform. The monograph subjects policy and social movements across the globe to a sophisticated analysis, drawing expertly on rich institutional and ethnographic sources. An extremely useful contribution to public education scholarship."

Lew Zipin, University of South Australia.

"I can testify to finding Rowe’s portrayals highly resonant. More than this, reading Middle-class School Choice in Urban Spaces has broadened and deepened my lens for analysing power-relational dynamics and differentials across schools serving power-elite groups, power-marginalised groups, and ‘middle’ groups whose exquisitely tense activisms generate new hybrid forms of public school. I am sure this book will do likewise for many educational sociologists."

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Research presented as part of Invitational Symposium: Australian Association for Research in Education, December 2018: with Lew Zipin, Marie Brennan, Jane Kenway, Emma Rowe.

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"An extremely useful contribution to public education scholarship." Joel Windle, Monash University.

"A much needed research contribution." Jessica Gerrard, University of Melbourne. 

"Essential." Lluis Parcerisa and Antoni Verger, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.

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